Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Hey everyone!  It's me Sock.  I can't wait to be "checked out" of the library for sleepovers this summer!  Do you promise to read me a bedtime story?  Here I am getting ready to read one of my favorite books all comfy cozy in my favorite chair.  AAHHH!!!  Why us this making me want a banana?

See you soon!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


YAY!!!  Lola and I were just "checked out" of the Mahwah Public Library and are really looking forward to our upcoming adventures.  We'll blog about them when we get back. 

Whew!!!  It's been a while since our last trip and we've been itching (not literally) to get out.  Now will someone PLEASE check out Monkey too?!?!?  We're afraid he'll be in a REALLY bad mood when we get back.

Later Dudes,