Friday, August 16, 2013


Hey Everyone, 

I just heard from Lola who said she's having a great time on her adventure with her host family. Lola had a relaxing day at the Mahwah Pool. She sat in the chair and sunbathed on a towel. She had a great day! 


Denise J. 
Teen Librarian

Monday, July 22, 2013


Looks like she's enjoying a great "Harry Potter" book there with her pal Manan. Manan, you look AWESOME in the Sorting Hat!

Friday, July 19, 2013


Well it's about time! We each had some cool people come and check us out of the library. Ah, the fresh air. Wait a minute....did we say fresh? Why's it so HOT out here?!? Anyway, Monkey was checked out first, then me Sock, and then Lola. Lola would say that they "saved the best for last," but Monkey and I have one thing to say about that: "WHATEVER." Oh, you know we love you Lola. We'll post again as soon as we get back from our adventures. Later y'all, Sock
P.S. Mom asked if she could change the background of our blog. We figured we'd humor her, and that's the background she picked. It sorta goes with the "Beneath the Surface" theme right? Let Mom know what you think. Should she change it back, or keep it?

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Hey everyone, Sock here.  Beneath the Surface?!?  What the heck does that mean.  I hope Mom's not going to make Monkey, Lola and I dig around in the dirt.  We're more "tree" beings (if you know what I mean).

FINALLY, the summer is here.  We've been SO bored waiting to be checked out of the library.  I mean, it's a cool place and all with all of the really great books to read, and Teen programs.  But a happening guy like myself likes a change every once in a while.

If you'd like to take Monkey, Lola, or me out for an adventure just make sure to get a "Permission Form" from Mom (Denise J., the Teen Librarian).  She'll make you promise to take good care of us, return us on time (with no "boo boos" either), and feed us really well.  Oh, okay you don't have to do that last part because it could get quite messy.  We are monkeys after all!  But PLEASE check us out (get it? get it?)  TEE HEE!!!

See ya' soon!!!